Tuesday, January 15, 2008

YEAH!!! We have a job!

Jared got a job today! We will be moving to Roswell, New Mexico (yes, the place known for U.F.O.s) sometime in the next few months. Jared will be working for New Mexico Legal Aid and starts work on Thursday and he is very excited. This will be a perfect job for Jared, not only because of who he will be working for, but also he will work from 8-5. Pretty good legal hours - of course the pay is not great, but it is a starting place. Plus, we will have insurance again (hooray) and Jared will actually get 30 days paid leave to prepare for and take the New Mexico bar. We are really excited about that! Yeah for the start of a new adventure for the Kallunki family!


revtomijacobsziobro.blogspot.com said...

Yeah! Woooo HOOOOO! And all that rot. As someone who has been
searching for a job for over 2 years let me say how happy I am for you! And I found out I did not get yet another job today. NM is good. I just sent a resume to Dallas. I think of you lots. Best of luck and have fun packing and all that stuff. xo Tomi

Maudie Jane said...

Congratulations on the Job! I’m so excited you guys are blogging! I can’t believe how long it has been since we have seen you guys. Now we can see what you are up to, fun.