Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Mustached Thanksgiving (2008)

For some reason, Jared and Detroit decided that we needed to have a themed Thanksgiving this year. After searching high and low, we finally found our inspiration...Sponge Bob. One of our favorite scenes in the Spongebob Movie is when Patrick and Spongebob become putting on seaweed mustaches. The song that follows that event is pure genius and inspired us to have a mustache Thanksgiving.

Of course when my two youngest brothers found out that we were having a mustache Thanksgiving, they decided they had to come join in the fun. It was so much fun having them here, and they had really awesome mustaches!

"Now that we're men, we have facial hair..."

How can anyone look so cute with a mustache?!

Detroit, Joaquin and I had to have a little marker help with our mustaches, which equals pure awesomeness!

Jared decided to go a little crazy...

Detroit was so delighted by her mustache!

Apparently Joaquin was not.

It's hard having a mustache.

Ryan and Brett were also delighted by their mustaches...

***UFO Museum***

Before the boys left town they decided they had to do the alien tour of Roswell. Detroit tagged along and had so much fun with her uncles. They went to several tourist shops as well as the UFO Museum.

Ryan and Detroit

Brett and Detroit

Who can resist this guy?!

***Martin's Capitol Cafe***

No trip to New Mexico is complete without eating New Mexican food. Here is our favorite place in town:

Ryan and Joaquin

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Now that we're men, I change my underwear!" That is one of my favorites songs and that movie is the best!!!!!