Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Detroit!

Detroit's birthday fell on a Tuesday this year, which also happened to be her last basketball game of the season. We got to cheer Detroit on, and she played really well! It is amazing how much she has improved!

To celebrate her birthday we let Detroit choose where she wanted to go eat after the game, and she chose...RED LOBSTER! She was so excited, but she had a hard time choosing between the Clam Chowder and the Snow Crab Legs. (Yes, pretty good taste for a 10 year old, huh?)

She chose the Snow Crab Legs:

Joaquin was obsessed with the lobsters in the tank and spent most of the evening hovering over the tank looking in. Our server graciously offered to get one out for the kids to look out. Detroit found this exceptionally cool. Joaquin also enjoyed this treat, but from afar...

(He was hiding on the bench in the corner, squealing with delight.)

Apparently Red Lobster does not offer a complimentary dessert for birthdays.
Instead, we got a lovely cheddar biscuit...

Joaquin was obsessed with the crab claw...

Detroit's birthday dessert wish? Lemon Meringue Pie!
(Like father, like daughter!)


(Yes, she really is her father's daughter, isn't she?!)


Unknown said...

HAPPY late BIRTHDAY!!!!!!........I am still working on her gift!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Detroit! You are really growing up! Hugs from Margaret & Vaughn in Atlanta :)

kel bel said...

Detroit, we are sad that we've missed yet another one of your birthdays! ugh! But it looks like you had a great time. I love the killer claw photo. Very cute! We love you guys!