Monday, February 15, 2010

Shakira in Diapers

Last night I was grading papers for University of Phoenix and Jared calls me out to come watch the NBA All-Star Halftime Show...he and Joaquin had already started to watch it, but thanks to the gloriousness of DVR, they were able to rewind it. As it was getting ready to start, Joaquin was shouting something about the "ladies" and "diapers." I said, "Are the ladies wearing diapers?" He excitedly confirms that yes indeed the ladies are wearing diapers! I give Jared a funny look and ask if they are wearing something that resembles diapers and he says no. So we laugh at Joaquin's silliness and start watching. About 30 seconds into it, Joaquin starts yelling about ladies and diapers again, and then it hits me...

Apparently, the new "no pants" craze among female musicians looks like a diaper to my 2 1/2 year old. Hilarious!

1 comment:

The Bowldens said...

lmao!!!! i agree though. its quite ugly