Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Story of the Cowboy and the Ghost

Michelle has a friend that she was writing a letter to, and Detroit decided she wanted to write something to him as well. So she decided to write him a story. I have typed it exactly as she wrote it (just in case you can't read the scanned one):

The story of the cowboy and the ghost

This is a story. This is how it starts.
There was a cowboy. He rode on his horse untill he bumped into a cactus. It started to rain. He saw a glimmer of light. It was a hotel. He spoke to the manager. He said "Do you have a room where I can spend the night?" "No. Exept for one that's haunted." said the manager. "I don't believe that stuff." The cowboy said. He opened that door of 448. The door of the bathroom said, Danger Alert Alert! He brushed his teeth and spit in the trash. He went to sleep. He heard "Now I Got you where I want you Now I'm going to eat you." We woke up. He went back to sleep. "Now I got you where I want you now I'm going to eat you." The next night he slept he heard "Now I got you where I want you now I'm going to eat you." Next morning He said "I'm going to find out what is in the bathroom." He opened the door and saw a.....GHOST sitting on the toilet with.......a BOOGER in his hand. "Now I got you where I want you now I'm going to eat you."

I am not sure which I enjoy more: reading the story she wrote or hearing her tell it!


Angela said...

Oh my gosh! Is she going to grow up to be a writer? I cannot WAIT for Miranda to read that story! She is going to love it and roll on the floor laughing!

kallunkimom said...

Great story Detroit! You and Alisha have a lot in common...she likes to make up stories too. She'll have to tell you about "Brian from Canada" sometime.

Noe said...

OMG! I think this story is funny
and good. My favorite part is when
the cowboy saw the ghost on the toilet. Detroit is a good writer.
When I show my mom,dad,and brother
sees this they're gonna be laughing like heck!!!
Noelle Mieko Tagupa

helly1080 said...

Tell Detroit that this is by far my new favorite story. I can visualize the whole thing.